- Qualification: MSc, MPhil, PhD
- Department: Department of Chemistry / Biochemistry
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience: 4 Years (Research), 7.5 Years (Industry)
- Email ID: mvidyalu@yahoo.co.in
- A synergistic formulation for managing hangover and method thereof –. Indian Patent Application No:4837/CHE/2014.
- A synergistic formulation comprising Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Iodine and protein / peptide(s) obtained from silk fibroin of Silk worms” – Indian Patent Application No:2716/CHE/2012.
Publications – Journals
- Smriti Chawla, Nisha R, Archana S, Rituparna Chatterjee, Amarnath Satheesh M, Vidya M, Rajadurai M. Antioxidant Analysis and Phytochemical Screening of Colocasia Esculenta Leaf Extract. J Pharm Sci Res Vol. 12(1), 129-132. 2020.
- Evaluation of bioactive compounds, invivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective analysis of an endemic indigenous medicinal plant, Curcuma Neilgherrensis wight.- A green approach. Rubalakshmi G, Karmegam N, Vijayakumar N, Vidya M, Nirubama K, The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, 2019, 11 (11), 109-136.
- Antioxidant activities of Triticum aestivum leaves collected at different stages of growth, Vidya, M and Padma, P.R, International Journal of current research in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 2014, 1(3), 80-86.
- Free radical scavenging activity of different parts of Withania somnifera, Sumathi. S., Padma, P.R., Gathampari, S. and Vidya, M, Ancient Science of Life, 2007, 30-34.
- Effects of α-ketoglutarate on antioxidants and lipid peroxidation products in rats treated with sodium valproate, Murugesan Vidya, Perumal Subramanian, J. Appl. Biomed, 2006, 141-146.
- Enhancement of circulatory antioxidants by α-ketoglutarate during sodium valproate treatment in Wistar rats, Vidya Murugesan, Perumal Subramanian, Pol. J. Pharmacol, 2003, 55, 31-36.
?Paper presented in International Conferences
- Phytochemical and pharmacological studies on colocasia esculenta leaves: an in vitro approach. Archana S, Nisha R, Rituparna Chatterjee, Smriti Chawla, Apoorva R, Harshitha P, Manjunatha G, Sowmya N, Rajadurai M, Vidya M. First International Conference on Life, Chemical and Health Sciences (ICLCHS), 24-26th October 2019, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bangalore.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Evaluation of the effects of antioxidants in Triticum aestivum leaves on oxidative damage, International conference on Recent advances in Biosciences, PGP college of Arts and Science, Namakkal, 12th and 13th Feb 2004.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Evaluation of the protective effect of Triticum aestivum against oxidative stress in selected in vitro models, International conference on Antioxidants and Free radicals in Health – Nutrition & Radio – protectors & IV Annual conference of the society for Free Radical Research held at St. Johns National Academy of Health Sciences, 10th – 12th Jan 2005.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Antioxidant potential of Triticum aestivum extracts in rats, International conference on Ethnopharmacology and Alternative medicine and Annual conference of National society of Ethnopharmacology organized by Amala cancer research center, Thrissur, 20-22 Jan 2006.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Protective effects of Triticum aestivum leaf extracts against the carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress in rats, International conference on Biotechnology Promises and Reality, P.S.G.R Krishnammal cellege for women, Coimbatore, 14th and 15th July, 2006.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Protective effects of Triticum aestivum leaves against oxidative stress induced in vitro, International conference on “Free radicals In clinical and laboratory medicine” held at Hotel Circle Manor, Deshabhimani Road, Kaloor, Cochin on 4th and 5th January 2007,
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Comparision of radical scavenging effects of different fractions of Triticum aestivum leaves, Indo-Korean joint seminar on secondary metabolite sources and production process, Aivinashilingam Deemed University for Women, Coimbatore, 14th February 2007.
Paper presented in National conferences
- Developing face mask for cosmaceutical application using sericin and other natural bioactive agents on non-woven silk sheet, Radhakrishna P M, Vidya Murugesan, Sericare Divison, Healthline Private Limited, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) Innovators Meet, Sep 22nd 2014, New Delhi
- Silk Protein Blend film for wound management, Radhakrishna P M, Vidya Murugesan, Sericare Divison, Healthline Private Limited, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) Innovators Meet, Sep 22nd 2014, New Delhi
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Studies on the responses evoked by Zea mays leaves in models subjected to oxidative stress in vitro, National seminar on Recent trends in Biosciences, Vivekanandha college of Arts and Sciences for Women, Thiruchengode, 23rd and 24th Feb, 2006.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Hepatorenal protective effects of Triticum aestivum leaf extracts, National symposium on “Recent Trends in the Research and Management of Cancer” held at Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore on 15th Dec 2006.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Protective effects of Triticum aestivum leaf extracts in precision cut goat liver slices exposed to oxidative stress in vitro, National symposium on emerging facts in cancer, Sri Sankara Arts and Science College, Kanchipuram, 10th & 11th 2006.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Approaches to the identification of active principles rendering antioxidant activity in the leaves of Triticum aestivum, National conference on Natural products in Health, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, Chidambaram, 26 & 27th Feb 2005.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants in wheat grass, International conference on Natural products, Free radicals and Radioprotectors in Health (NFRH-2004), held at Annamalai University, 17-19 Jan 2004.
- Vidya, M and Padma, P.R., Antioxidant status of Triticum aestivum, National conference on Technological advancement in clinical Biochemistry, Karpagam Arts and Science college, Coimbatore, 15th Oct 2004.
Conferences / Seminars / Training Programs / Workshops / FDPs / Others- Attended
- Participated in 1st International Conference on Life, Chemical and Health Sciences (ICLCHS) from 24th-26th October 2019, Organized by Department of Life Sciences, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru in collaboration with KSTA.
- Participated in the One Day Faculty Development Program on ‘E- Resource and Digital Content’ held on September 21, 2019, conducted by the Department of Library and Information Centre in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
- Faculty developing Programme (FDP) on“ Leading Research Trends in Biological Sciences” which was organized by Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru during 17th-21st August-2020
- Five day online Faculty Development Program on “Online Teaching during COVID-19 pandemic” from 23rd to 27th June 2020 organized by IQAC, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru -54
- FDP on Research proposal writing and opportunites in the field of science, engineering and management organised by R&D Center-Bangalore institute of technology, from 06th July 2020 to 11th July 2020.
- Faculty Development of Programme on Recent Trends in Biological and Environment Sciences (RTBES-2020), organised by Department of chemistry and Department of Physics, MSRIT held on 13th -18th January, 2020.
- Vidya, M, E-Resource and Digital content, Department of Library and Information Centre, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bangalore, 21 Sep 2019.
- Techniques related to apoptosis, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram 2006
- Construction of a mammalian expression vector driven by CMV promoter under specific reporter EFGP gene expression, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. 2005
- Workshop on Basic Bioinformatics, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, 9-11 Aug 2004.
- One week National seminar cum workshop on “Animal cell culture and its applications” organized by the School of Biotechnology, Dr.G.R.Damodaran college of Science, Coimbatore, 21-29 July 2003.
- Underwent Project training entitled Immunotechnology, Sreedhar Bhats Laboratory, Bangalore 2001.
- ISO 9001:2000 Internal Auditors team (Certified internal ISO auditor)
Awards and Honors
- Best Innovator Award 2014 from Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (Birac) for the project, “Developing face mask for cosmaceutical application using silk protein and other natural bioactive agent on non-woven silk sheet”
- Received honorable FSAB award from Society for Applied Biotechnology in 2012.
- Government of Tamil Nadu Ramasamy padayatchiar Endowment Scholarship 2002-2003.
- Dr. P. Rajammal Devdas Endowment Scholarship during Doctoral research 2005
- Gold medal for the Best free paper presentation in the National seminar on Recent trends in Biosciences, Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women, Thiruchengode, 23rd & 24th Feb 2006.
- Received II prize for the Best paper presentation in National conference on Natural products in Health, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, Chidambaram, 26 & 27th Feb 2005
- Received I prize for the Best free paper presentation in National symposium on emerging facts in cancer, Sri Sankara Arts and Science College, Kanchipuram, 10th & 11th Oct. 2006.
- National Webinar on “Signal transduction mechanisms by hormones and growth factors” organised by the Department of Biochemistry, Indian Academy Degree College-Autonomous, Bangalore on 13th Nov, 2020.
- Webinar on Microbial enzyme mediated carbon sequestration organized by Department of Biotechnology, Muthayammal College of Arts & Science, Rasipuram on 14th July 2020
- Participated in an international webinar on trends in Biochemical research on 3rd July 2020 organized by Department of Biochemistry, Indian Academy Degree college, Bengaluru.
- Virtual One day Workshop on “STEPS OR SUCCESSFUL SCHOLARLY PUBLICATION organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, AP, INDIA.
- Science Leadership workshop organised by Central university of Punjab, Bathinda, India from 22-28 June, 2020
- National Webinar on “Community Services: COVID-19” Jointly organised by the Department of Geography & Community Service Centre in association with IQAC on 13th June, 2020.