Name: Mr. Raju N
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A., NET., (Ph.D.)
Year of Joining: 15/07/2019
Work Experience: 03 Years & 08 Months
Subject Specialisation Bhashe, Janapada, Shasthriya
- Samvedanam 22nd Dec 2021 To 01st Jan 2022.
- Participated in One Day Workshop Conducted by SJR Women’s College Bangalore, on 05th Jan 2021 on the topic of “Hosa Patya – Hosa Savalugalu”.
- Participated in Inter National Level Webinar Conducted by Soundharya Institute of Management and Science and Siri Culture Association, London, on 27th June 2021 on the topic of “Vachana Sahithya Vygnanika Nelegalu”.
- Participated in Inter National Level Webinar Conducted by Sheshadripuram Evening College and Western Australia Kannada Sangha, on 04th June 2021 on the topic of “Kannada Chinthana Maale – 2: Dasa Sahithyadalli Saamajika Spandane”.
- Participated in National Level Webinar Conducted by MSRCASC, on 29th May 2021 on the topic of “The Impact of Covid-19 on Future Technology”.
- Participated in National Level Webinar Conducted by Santha Francis D. Saales College, on 21st May 2021 on the topic of “Janapada sahithya Mathu Mahile”.
- Participated in National Level Webinar Conducted by MSRCASC, on 28th April 2021 on the topic of “Safety and Health at work”.
- Participated in State Level Workshop Conducted by SJR Women’s College, Bangalore on 05th Jan 2021 on the topic of “Hosa Patya Pusthaka: Savalugalu mathu Sadhyathegalu”.
- Participated in One Day Workshop Conducted by GFGC Gowribidanuru, on 10th Sep 2020 on the topic of “Understanding the Intricacies and Values of Intellectual Property Rights”.
- Participated in National Webinar Conducted by Sheshadripuram First Grade College, Bangalore on 17 and 18th Aug 2020 on the topic of “Sahithya, Jeevana and Samaja” and “Sahithyada Hodhu Yeke?”.
- Participated in National Seminar Conducted by Cauvery College, on 07th Aug 2020 on the topic of “Prachina Kannada Sahithyadalli Mnaranjaneya Parikalpane”.
- Participated in International Webinar Conducted by Vachana Samaja, Poland on 18th July 2020 on the topic of “Multidisciplinary Research Methodology Artificial Intelligence”.
- Participated in National Seminar Conducted by Bishap Carton Academy of Professionary Management on 15th July 2020 on the topic of “Prachina Hagu Madhya Kaleena Kannada Sahithyadalli Saamajika Parivarthaneya Hambala”.
- Participated in National Seminar Conducted by Shree K Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysore on 2020-2021 on the topic of “Pashchathya Parampareyalli Guru-Shishyara Sambandha”.
- Participated in National Seminar Conducted by S Nijalingappa Maha Vidhyalaya on 29 and 30th June on the topic “Vachanagala Hosa Bageya Adhyana Vidhana”.
- SDP Dated 07th June to 21st June 2022.
- Five Days FDP on “Recent Trends” held on 08th May to 12th June 2021. Conducted by MSRCASC.
- Seven Days FDP on “Orientation on AQAR 2020-21” held on 17th May to 23rd May 2021. Conducted by MSRCASC.
- Three Days FDP on “Innovation Reading in old Kannada Literature” held on 20, 21, 22nd July 2020. Conducted by Shree S R Khanti Arts, Commerce and Science College.
- One Day FDP on “Portfolio Company of Times Internet” held on 18th July 2020. Conducted by Campus Technology – Khana, RCASC.
- One Day FDP on “Didactics for online Teaching” on 02 July 2020. Conducted by Department of Management Studies, RCASC.
- I have been Appointed a Resource Person 03rd Dec 2021 at Brindavan College, Dwaraka Nagar, Bangalore-63
- Pursuing Ph. D Bangalore University 2020. (Completed Ph.D Course Work Jan 2022)
- State Social Co-Ordinator Membership - OSCA
- Email:
Department of Indian Languages
MS Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India