Name: Dr. Padmaja M R
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D . B.Ed., M.A
Year of Joining: 2005
Work Experience: 18 Years
Subject Specialisation Vedic Literature
Ramnivas Manav ke samgra kruthiyonka vishleshanathmak Adhyayan
- Topic: Relevance of rigveda and upanisads in the context of the global peace . organized by all India institute of speech and hearing Mysore .
- Topic: Concept of pancha yajna in puranas organized by HKE Society’s B.V.B College of Arts, science and commerce , Bidar .
- Topic: “ The Concept of Environment in Vedas” organized by veterinary college ,Hebbal Bengaluru.
- Topic: “ A comparative psychological study on stress level among men and women” organized by RCASC, Bengaluru.
- Topic: “Bharateey Bhashavom ke Sandarbh me bhasha neeti” organized by Bhasha sahodari, Delhi.
- Topic: “Upanishattugalalli Belakina parikalpane” Organized by Davanagere University.
- National seminar on bharatiya Heritage at S.D.M .College of Naturopathy and yogic Science, Ujjre, from 13th to 15th May 2008.
- Rashtriya Mahila Vijnana Sammelana at B. Arts & Science College, Bijapur on Nov 7th to 9th 2008.
- III National Conference on Chemical Science and Technology in Ancient India from 23rd to 25th Jan 2009.
- Second National women’s science congress, a National level seminar at AIISH Mysore,7th to 9th2009.
- Global conference on cosmologies at NIAS (IISc) campus Bengalore Dec 2nd– 4th 2010 organized by srinivas jyothish vigyan research foundation Tiruchirapalli , Tamil Nadu .
- IV Rashtriya Mahila Vijnana Sammelana at MSRIT Bengaluru on 7th -9th 2011 at MSRIT, Bangalore-54.
- 4th international conference on theme life science and associated technology in ancient India on Dec 23rd - 25th 2011 at Mulbagal
- National conference on vedic science , arshadhara organized by Dharma jagrthi trust on July 6th - 8th Dec 2012.
- National Seminar Akhila bharatha haridasa sahitya sammelana narashimha Teertha , Kolar Dist on Oct 11th -13th 2012 .
- 5th national women’s science congress at B.V.B College of science, arts and commerce Bidar on 7th -9th Nov 2012.
- National level workshop on Revised Methodology by NAAC at MSRCASC on 16th2013.
- Participated in the 5th International Conference as Session Manager at Maharani’s college of management, Bangalore on 20th -22nd December,2013.
- Participated UGC sponsored two day National level Seminar on Bhasa’s Drama: A Critical Appraisal on 28th and 29th Mar 2014.
- Attended a National Seminar on “ Pali Anuvada meemamse” by Pali Institute Kalburgi and Karnataka Samskrita vishwa vidyalaya, Bangalore on 10th Oct 2015 at Mythic Society.
- Attended and Chaired a session in “8th National women Science Congress” a National level seminar on 7th & 8th Nov 2015.
- Attended and Chaired a session in “9th National women Science Congress” a National level seminar on 6th & 7th Nov 2016 in RLJIT, Doddaballapur
- Attended and presented a paper in “10th National Women Science”, a National seminar at RCASC Bengaluru on 6 and 7 Nov 2017.
- Attended and presented a paper in “Antara rastriya Hindi Adhiveshan” (International Hindi Conference) conducted by Bhasha sahodari New Delhi on 15 and 16 Jan 2018.
- Attended 11th National Women Science Congress at JSS College for Women, Mysuru on 9th to 11th Nov 2018.
- Attended 11th National Women Science Congress at JSS College for Women, Mysuru on 9th to 11th Nov 2018.
- Shikshak Sangh in collaboration with Bengaluru City University (BCU) and Bengaluru North University (BNU) held on 7th & 8th September 2022.
- Chair person, Board of Studies UG Sanskrit for BCU.
- BOS Member for Saint Joesphs College , Bengaluru.
- BOS Member for Surana College , Bengaluru
- BOE for Maharanis Clusteer University .
- BOE for B.M.S. Womens College.
- E Content development for Sanskrit Language for BCU Syllabus.
- Member and Secretary in Swadeshi Vijnana Aandolana Karnataka.
- Member in National Institute of Vedic Science.
- Advisory commettee member in vishwa bhushana trust
- Email: padmaja_lang@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Indian Languages
MS Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India