- Qualification : M.Com,PGDFT
- Department : Department of Commerce
- Designation : Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience :1 year
- E Mail :
Academic and Professional Achievements
Certificate Courses
- Basics of capital market - Grade A+
- Derivative Market - Grade A
- Technical market - Grade A
- Youth leadership programme - Grade A
- Personality Enhancement Programme - Grade D
- Campus to Corporate - Grade B
- Certified in basics of QBASIC, NUDI, HTML and JAVA - Grade B+
- Pro.Diploma in computer office management - 93.40%
- Diploma in computer accountancy - 95%
Publications - Journals / Conferences / Seminars / Others
- • Presented a Paper entitled with Performance Evaluation of Mutual Fund: A comparative study on Selected Indian Mutual Funds in ICRSBUT- 2021 Organized by Department of Management Sciences of Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore conducted from 2nd June to 4th June 2021
- Presented a paper on “Contemporary issues in Accounts” in International conference “AVANTH-GRADE 2019” held on 18th May 2019 at Sheshadripuram College, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru-560064. ISSN 2249-959
Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Training Programs / Others - Attended
- Participated in Webinar on Consciousness of Yogic Practice organized by Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce on 26th June, 2021
- Participated in Webinar on Employees Challenges in Remote Work Place organized by Department of BBA of KLE Nijalingappa College on 15th June, 2021Society's
- Attended in National one day webinar on Preparation of Dissertation for PG Students Conducted by Department of commerce, Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce on 8th June, 2021
- Webinar on PROFESSIONALISM AMONG FACULTY MEMBERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION organized By Department of Business Administration and IQAC of Soundarya Institute of Management and Science on 24th May, 2021
- Webinar on Stress Management Techniques organized by the IQSC of Nirmala Memorial Foundation of Commerce and Science on 5th May, 2021
- Webinar on Notional Education policy 2020: A paradigm Shift in Indian Education Scenario conducted by Disha Bharath on 30th April, 2021
- Webinar on Safety and Health at Work conducted by Ramaiah College of arts, science and commerce on 28th April, 2021
- Participated in 5 Days training Programme for faculty members on "UGC NET Examination May 2021 Paper II" organized by Department of Commerce and Management in association of IQSC of Dr.NSAM First Grade college on 24th April, 2021.
- Attended Webinar on Impact of Union Budget on Common Man conducted by Shivananda Serma Memorial RV College on 17th February, 2021
- Workshop on “Preparation To Competitive Examination NET/K-SET/ Banking Exams” Conducted by Sheshadripuram Institute of Management studies, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru-64.
Awards and Recognitions
- Secured 2nd prize in Inter-collegiate Bharatanatyam competition conducted by Ragontri Makkala Ranga shale, Rajajinagar in 2017.
- Completed my certification courses on Basics of capital market, Derivative market, Technical analysis in capital market, Youth Leadership Programme, Campus to Corporate and Personality Enhancement Programme.
- Completed my Professional Diploma in Computer Office Managementand secured 93.40%.
- Completed my Diploma in computer Accountancyand secured 95%
- Completed junior examination in Bharatanatyam by Karnataka Secondary education Board.
- Bharatanatyam performance in various festivals.
- Bharatanatyam performance in the YogaUniversity S-VYASA,Jigani.
- Participated in singingcompetition organized by State Bank ofIndiain the year 2008 and secured second price.
- Participated in District Level Folk dance competition (Kamsale) in the year 2018 conducted by Kannada matthu samskruti Elakhe, Bengaluru Urban Districtand Ranagayana, Shivamogga..