Report on the PG Xtasy 2023
Event Details: On stage and off stage programmes were conducted.
Date of the event: 25th March & 28th March
Venue: APJ Abdul Kalam Auditorium
Time: 10:30am to 3:00pm
Objective: To encourage students to showcase their talents.
- To promote oneness among students.
- To enhance the confidence level in students toward building their career.
Xtasy 2023 was a mega cultural event that was organised by Ramaiah college of Arts, science and commerce. Ramaiah’s cultural extravaganza was conducted on 25th & 28th of March. The principal graced the occasion by lighting the lamp followed by an inaugural dance. This cultural fest was an interclass competition with multiple talent shows.
There were five different on stage events namely Solo singing, Group singing, Solo Dance, Group dance and Ethnic fashion show. There were five off stage events Face Painting, Collage, Photography, Make over, Short film making and Mehandi. The off stage event included the entire postgraduate students as the participants. . External as well as internal judges were invited for every performance. The external judges were the alumni of those particular departments. The volunteers and the committee members worked hard to keep each day’s programme proceed in a smooth and disciplined manner.
Every session ended by handing over the mementos to the external judges with their special performance. A group photo was taken along with the judges and the volunteers after every day’s event. Books were given as prizes for the winners. The prize distribution was on formal session where the principal along with the vice principals awarded the prize winners.