Ms.Kruthi V P

Name: Ms.Kruthi.V.P
Designation: Professor
Department: Management Studies - MBA
Qualification: M.Com, MBA, PGDFT, (Ph.D)
Work Experience: 03 years
Journal Publications:
Kruthi.V.P and Kavyashree.S (2021) Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds: A Comparative study on selected Indian Mutual Funds", International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. E- ISSN -2347-856X, 8(3).
Conference Presentations:
- “Sharma.D and Kruthi.V.P “A Study on Ethical Issues in Indian Banking Sector”. State level Student Seminar, VET First Grade College, Bangalore, 6th October, 2016.
- Yeshaswini.B.N, Manasa.H.B and Kruthi.V.P , Closure of Educational Institutions due to Covid-19: Study on Higher Education Students, Virtual Conference on Global Deceleration: Emergence of New Economy, Organised by Ramaiah Institute of Management, 27th August, 2020.
Awards and Recognitions:
- Assisted in the publication of a book on Placement and Employability of Agricultural students in India
- Assisted in the publication of a book on Commodity Derivatives: Hedging by Futures Contract
- Worked as a Research Assistant under ICSSR sponsored major research project