Dr. Suveditha S. Biochemistry

Name: Dr. Suveditha S.
Designation: Assistant Professor (Biochemistry)
Qualification: M.Sc. Biochemistry, Ph.D. Biochemistry, KSET, NET
Year of Joining: June 2023
Work Experience:8 years research, 3 months teaching
- Management of plant viruses in Capsicum annuum L. through Induced Systemic Acquired Resistance.
- Plant virus identification, characterization, and management: Polerovirus
- 8 years research, 3 months teaching
- Suveditha S., Bharathi L.K., and Reddy M.K. (2017) First report of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus infecting bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and teasel gourd (Momordica subangulata subsp. renigera) in India. New Disease Reports (BSPP). 36, 7.
- Suveditha S. and Reddy M.K. (2022) Induction of systemic acquired resistance in Capsicum annuum L. against Chilli veinal mottle virus by foliar spray of salicylic acid. Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems (PMHE). 28 (1), 152-160.
- Suveditha S., Geetha G.A., Shivashankar K.S., and Reddy M.K. (2022) Pepper-acquired resistance induced by salicylic acid against Chilli veinal mottle virus. Indian Phytopathology – Springer. 75, 1159-1166
- Molecular Biology, Plant Virology
- Oral presentation: International conference on “New Generation Horticulture for Prosperity”, organised by Orissa Horticultural Society from 20th -21 Jan 2023.
Topic: Systemic acquired resistance to Chilli leaf curl virus in capsicum”- Best oral presentation award. - Poster presentation: Platinum jubilee conference on “Plant and soil health management: Issues and innovations” organized by the Indian Phytopathological Society held at University of Mysore, Mysuru from 02-04 Feb 2023.
Topic: “Induced systemic acquired resistance against capsicum-infecting Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV)”- Best poster presentation award. - Oral presentation: International conference on “Global perspectives in crop protection for food security" held at TNAU, Coimbatore from December 08-10, 2021.
Topic: “Induced Systemic Acquired Resistance against Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infecting Capsicum annuum L.” - Best oral presentation award. - Poster presentation:International conference on “Vegetable Research and Innovations for Nutrition, Entrepreneurship, and Environment (ICVEG-21)” organized by the Indian society of vegetable science held at IIVR, Varanasi from 14-16 Dec 2021.
Topic:“Management of mixed infection by viruses in Capsicum annum L. through induced systemic acquired resistance”. - Poster presentation:National conference on “Sustainable Plant Health Management Amidst Covid Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies” organized by Indian Phytopathological Society (South Zone Chapter) virtually from 01-03 Dec 2021.
Topic:“Salicylic Acid-Induced Systemic Acquired Resistance Against Chilli Leaf Curl Virus (ChiLCV) In Capsicum annum L.” - Poster presentation:Young Scientists Conference (YSC) of India International Science Festival 2019 conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vijnana Bharati on the topic at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata from 05-08 Nov 2019.
Topic:“Identification of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus: A Polerovirus in Ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) in India” - Poster presentation:International conference INTERVIROCON 2018 conducted by the Indian Virological Society at PGIMER, Chandigarh from 10-14 Nov 2018.
Topic:“Identification of Brassica yellows virus, a Polerovirus in Radish (Raphanus sativus)” - Poster presentation:Young Scientists Conference (YSC) of India International Science Festival 2018 conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vijnana Bharati held at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Lucknow. from 05-08 Oct 2018.
Topic:“Identification of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Squash in India”. - Poster presentation:International conference on Horticulture: Priorities & Emerging Trends held at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru from 05-08 Sep 2017.
Topic:“Identification and Diagnosis of Tomato mottle mosaic virus in Tomato”. - Poster presentation:International conference VIROCON 2016 conducted by Indian Virological Society held at ICAR-IIHR Bengaluru from 08-10 Dec 2016.
Topic:“Identification of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Sponge gourd in India”. - Poster presentation:103rd Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA-2016) held at the University of Mysore, Mysuru from 03-07 Jan 2016.
Topic:“Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase using specific Zn2+ chelators”. - Poster presentation:Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase using specific Zn2+ chelators” under the guidance of Dr. H. Chandru, DOS in Biochemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore (2015).
- Dissertation: “Anti-aging super foods” under the guidance of Prof. B.S. Vishwanath, DOS in Biochemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore (2014).
- Poster presentation: “Anti-aging super foods” under the guidance of Prof. B.S. Vishwanath., DOS in Biochemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore (2014).
- Hands-on workshop on "RNA library preparation, RNA sequencing analysis with R" organized by Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB), Bengaluru.
- Workshop on IP & Biological Diversity Act for Life Sciences Start-Ups conducted by C-CAMP.
- Young Research Scholar Award from the Orissa Horticultural Society-2023.
- Best oral presentation award at OHS international conference-2023.
- Best poster presentation award at IPS Platinum jubilee conference-2023.
- Best oral presentation award at GPCP 21 TNAU international conference-2021.
- Dr. V. Subramanyam Biochemistry Award Scholarship-2011.
- Dr. V. Subramanyam Biochemistry Award Scholarship-2012
- Trained Bharatanatyam Dancer; a classical dance form of South India pursuing Vidwath.
- Sadhanashri, Kalashri, Kalapraveene, Indira Nrithyapatu awardee.
- Champion of the 'Association of Indian Universities (AIU)' National level cultural program in Dollu Kunitha; a folk form of Karnataka.
- Carnatic classical and light music singer.
- Traveler, who has covered 18 states and 3 union territories in India.
- Travel and food influencer, who is an amateur photographer as well.
- Other activities include drama, anchoring, veg carving, creative arts, and literary activities like writing articles and elocution.
- Received 10 Best paper awards at various National and International conferences.
- Email:suveditha_biochem@msrcasc.edu.in
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
Department of Biochemistry (PG)
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bengaluru - 560054, India