Dr Prashanthi Rajaram

Name: Dr. Prashanthi Rajaram
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MSc, PhD
Year of Joining: 2023
Work Experience: 7 Teaching, 15 years Research
Subject Specialization Microbiology
1. Received a 44rd Series Students Project Grant from KSCST (2020-2021) entitled “Generation of Green Electricity from Nanoparticle Mediated Microbial Fuel Cell”
- R.Prashanthi (2023) A reviews on microbial fuel cell and green energy. Ionics 29(5):1-31
- R. Prashanthi, Shreevatsa G.K., Krupalini S. and Manoj L. (2021) Isolation, characterization, and molecular identification of soil bacteria showing antibacterial activity against human pathogenic bacteria. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. 19:120
- S. Dheepthi GunaVathana, J. Wilson, R. Prashanthi, A. Cyrac Peter (2021) CuO nanoflakes anchored Polythiophene nanocomposite: Voltammetric detection of L Tryptophan. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 124, 108398
- Prashanthi Rajaram, Nagagireesh Bojanala and Nagarathna Amresh (2020) Ozone exposure promoting growth of Oryzae sativa (Rice) seedlings and inhibiting its pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 24 (11)
- Ganesan Vijayan Siva, Rajaram Prashanthi and Natarajan Mohan (2015) Bio-electricity production from organic waste using single chamber Microbial fuel cell (MFC). International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology. 4:5 250 - 261
- Ganesan Vijayan Siva, Rajaram Prashanthi and Natarajan Mohan (2014) Bio-electricity production from industrial effluents using mediator less microbial fuel cell (MFC) Journal of Environmental and Applied Bioresearch, 2:2 44-48
- Rajaram Prashanthi, Natarajan Mohan, and Ganesan Vijayan Siva (2012) Wound Healing Property of Aqueous Extract of Seed and Outer Layer of Momordica Charantia L. on Albino Rats. Indian Journal of science and technology, 5:1 1936-1940
Papers presented in International Conferences/Symposia/ National Conference
- International E -conference on Challenges for Biotechnology in Agriculture and Drug Development organized by Society of Biotechnology and Microbiology Gandhi Faize-e- Aam College, Shahiahanpur (U.P), India 20th June, 2020. Presented a paper entitled as “Effect of Ozone on the Seedling Growth of Rice and Pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae”.
- Attended 1st Hericure-V-Ukzn: An international Webinar conference on “Impact of Natural bioactive Compounds for the treatment of Covid-19 Diagnostic challenges and Futuristic Perspectives” on 30-31 May 2020, organized by Hericure HealthCare group, Pune (India) & collaboration with University of kwaZulu-Natal, Durban (South Korea). Submitted an abstract entitled as “Natural flora and fauna - to strengthen immune response to encounter infectious disease”.
- International Conference on Life Chemical and Health Science (ICLCCHS) from 24th -26th October, 2019. Organized by the Department of Life Science Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce in collaboration with Karantaka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), DEPARTMENT OF IT, BT and Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka (GoK) Submitted an abstract entitled “Comparison of MFC chamber for electricity generation and treatment of waste water using Microbial Fuel Cell”. ISBN no: 978-81-927564-3-1.
- National Conference on phytochemicals and Microbial Bioactive Compounds – Role in Agriculture and Human Welfware (PMBC-2019) held on 3rd and 4th October 2019 Organized by the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Bangalore University, Bangalore. Presented a paper entitled as “Antibacterial Studies of South Indian Medicinal Plant Phyllanthus maderaspatensis”.
- National level symposium CHIMERA 14 organized by the Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology Hindustan arts and Science College, Chennai. Presented a paper entitled as “Fuel cell Technology”.
- National conference on Recent advances in Nanomaterial for sensor application (NANOSE-2014) organized by Alagappa University, Karaikudi Presented a paper entitled as “Designing and construction of microbial fuel cell for the production of green electricity”.
- International conference on Infotech 2013 organized by Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology Thanjavur Presented a paper entitled as “Bioelectricity production from food and agricultural waste using microbial fuel cell”.
- National symposium on Emerging horizons in Biotechnology challenges and prospects organised by Alpha College, Chennai Presented a paper entitled as “Sustainable generation of electricity using organic decomposable waste by microbial fuel cell”.
- National conference on EEIWM-2012 organized by Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupathi Presented a paper entitled as “Sustainable generation of electricity using fruits and vegetables”.
- Attended International E workshop on “Docking, QSAR and Molecular Dynamics” organized by Department of Biotechnology Ramaiah Institute of Technology and Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ramaiah University of Applied Science, Bangalore, July 29-31, 2020.
- Attended Science Leader Workshop organized by the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India from June 22 to 28 June 2020
- Attended Workshop on “Nanomaterials – Applications in Biotechnology” organized by the Department of Biotechnology, on August 29-30, 2019 Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Poster presented in International Conferences/Symposia/ National Conference
- National symposium on Emerging horizons in Biotechnology challenges and prospects (2012). Alpha College, Chennai. Presented a poster on “Chemotaxonomical tools in identification of important medicinal herb Enicostemma axillare”.
- National symposium on Emerging horizons in Biotechnology challenges and prospects (2012), Alpha College, Chennai. Presented a poster on “Biotransformation of secondary metabolites isolated from Enicostemma axillare”.
- National symposium on Emerging horizons in Biotechnology challenges and prospects (2012) Alpha College, Chennai. Presented a poster on “Isolation and characterization of chitin from marine crab shell and its potential application in drug delivery by nanotechnology”.
- National symposium on Emerging horizons in Biotechnology challenges and prospects (2012) Alpha College, Chennai. Presented a poster on “Horizons in Nanobiotechnology”.
Participation in seminar
- Participated in the National Level Seminar on Pinnacles in Biochemistry conducted by Auxilium College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Participated in the National Lecture Workshop on Trends in Medical Biotechnology conducted by VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Participated in the seminar on IP in Biotech Industry on 17th and 18th February conducted by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Chennai, India
- Prashanthi Rajaram won the Best Poster Award for the poster presentation. Chemotaxonomical tools in the identification of the important medicinal herb Enicostemma axillare. 2012 National Symposium on Emerging Horizons in Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects Alpha College, Chennai
- Prashanthi Rajaram won first prize in oral presentation (fuel cell technology) at the national level symposium CHIMERA 14. Hindustan Arts and Science College. Chennai
Research Grants
1. Received a 44rd Series Students Project Grant from KSCST (2020-2021) entitled “Generation of Green Electricity from Nanoparticle Mediated Microbial Fuel Cell”
Book Chapters
- Dileep Francis, Rajaram Prashanthi, Rashmi Nagesh and Vinutha M “COVID 19 Many Facets and Dimensions “Chapter 8 - “COVID-19: Genomics and Proteomics” (2021) published by Ramaiah Group of Institutions
- R. Prashanthi (2023) Microbial Fuel Cell – A Clean and Green Technology
- Email: prashanthibt10@gmail.com
Department of Microbiology
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: 080-23608597