Artificial Intelligence with Real-Time Application
Title: Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence with Real-Time Application"
Dates: 15th May 2023 to 18th May 2023
Venue: Computer Lab
Participants: III Year BCA
Resource Person: Mr. Mohammed Azhar Hussain, CTO, Aqmenz Automation Pvt Ltd, INDOSKILL.
No. of Participants: 78
Event coordinator: Shaik Valli Haseena
Objective of the Program:
Get Introduced to Artificial Intelligence, Students will get an opportunity to Learn
- Industry Standard AI Frameworks like Tensorflow, Keras, Django.
- Students will be given hands-on exposure to working on Artificial Intelligence Projects.
- Students will learn to build the Predictive Models & Deployment in Production.
- Students will learn Cloud Platform for Model Deploymeny like Heroku or AWS.
Overview of the Program:
It started with the Ramaiah anthem followed by invocation and lighting of the lamp by dignitaries. Later, IQAC Coordinator Prof. Vijayalaxmi Ramesh welcomed the gathering which was followed by an overview of the FDP program. Succeeding that, principal, Dr. Vatsala. G addressed and enlightened the gathering with her encouraging words. This was followed by the invited talk from Dr. Naveen Kumar C.M, Principal, Jain College, Bangalore followed by Question and Answer session. The FDP program was concluded with vote of thanks by IQAC Deputy coordinator Dr Akshata G Athreya followed by National Anthem.
Course Outline :
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Dive into Python Libraries
- AI Foundation-1 : Machine Learning
- AI Foundation-2: Deep Learning
- Model Deployment
- Major Application Projects
- Capstone Project given to Each Student
The Department of computer science in association with Aqmenz Automation Pvt Ltd, INDOSKILL organized the Value Added Course on "Artificial Intelligence with Real-Time Application" from 15th May 2023 to 18th May 2023 to the III years BCA Students Mr. Mohammed Azhar Hussain, CTO, Aqmenz Automation Pvt Ltd, INDOSKILL was the resource person for the course and delivered the lecture in the area of Artificial Intelligence. Ms. Shaik Valli Haseena was the faculty coordinator for the program.
Four-day value-added course was hosted by the event coordinator Ms. Shaik Valli Haseena. The inauguration of the program was done by Dr. Prathiba V Kulburgi by addressing students and introducing the resource person to the students. Later Session was handed over to the resource person. The below list shows the program flow program.
On day one the resource person gave a brief introduction to Artificial Intelligence & its Applications and showed hands-on experience with Anaconda & Spider IDE Installation. he later explored about basics of Python, AI, and Machine learning.
On day two the session started with an explanation about feature scaling projects and about regression models. Later they handled the session with a practical approach Git Hub installation, Remote Repository Creation. At the end of the day, the resource person gave an assessment to all students. Students were very happy as they got the opportunity to learn with practical exploration.
On day three The session started with very interesting topics such as deep learning, Neural networks, and Tensor Flow Basics: Sequential Models, Compilation, Training & Testing. Later he gave an explanation about Introduction to Model Deployment & Cloud Platforms and Model Deployment on Production Server using Streamlit, Car Sales Prediction using Linear Regression & Deployment using Streamlit. At the end of the session, they addressed students with real-time projects like Real-time Plant Disease Prediction using CNN & Deployment, Practical Implementation of MNIST Dataset using ANN, Car Sales Prediction using Linear Regression & Deployment using Streamlit. On day 3 the formal valedictory function got over by thanking all the members of the INDOSKILL team by Dr. Poornima and Dr. Prathiba. Day four was completely by online assistance to the students through project allocation and demonstration about project data collection, code optimization deployment, and code building. The assessment was being taken care by Aqmenz Automation Pvt Ltd, INDOSKILL and qualified students got certification from the organization.
Course Outline :
- Hands-on with Python Libraries which leads to a strong foundation in Artificial Intelligence.
- Understands Predictive Models Building & Deployment.
- Students will get experience with Tensor Flow, Keras, Django/streamlit, and Heroku.
- 5 Major Projects have been Solved & a Separate Capstone Project assessment taken and completed by all students.