Name: Dr. Savitha G
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D
Year of Joining: December-2021
Work Experience: R & D – 8 Years, Teaching : 5 Years
Renewable energy from non-edible species for the production of biofuel. Utilization of byproducts from biofuel production to bridge up linkage between stake holders and consumers.
- Punith Kumar.G,V., Savitha, G., and Srinivas Bandla (2022) Purified Crude Glycerol Fortification to the Diets of DairyCows with Conclusive Impacts: Review. International Journal of Livestock Research, vol, 12 (7)
- Savitha .G., Lokesha.E., Thingujam Suson, Sondur.S.N.,and Bandla Srinivasa (2019). Effect of fortification of commercial glycerol and crude glycerol to straw based mixed substrate on fermentation kinetics and energy value. Indian Journal of Dairy Science: 72(4): 437-440.
- Ravikumar S. Patil, Mahesh Patted, G. Savitha and G. R. Naik (2018) Biochemical and molecular studies of Jatropha curcas L. - Biofuel species. WSN 107 (2018) 108-124
- Manoj kumar H B., Manasa.K.S., Harini kumar K.M., Deepak C.A., Savitha G., Maya Giridhar (2016) Molecular characterizaition of important biofuel species through RAPD markers. International Journal for science and Advance Research in Technology. Vol 2 (9)101-108. (Impactor factor : 6.224)
- Shrinivas. D., G. Savitha., K. Raviranjan and G. R. Naik (2010) A Highly Thermostable Alkaline Cellulase-Free Xylanase from Thermo Alkalophilic Bacillus Sp JB 99 suitable for Paper and Pulp Industry: Purification and Characterization. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 162:2049-2057.
- Savitha. G., (2015) Jatropha Species : Morphological Characteristics and Desirable Traits – A Survey. MGRIED Journal: Vol:2, Issue:2;p:73-80
- Savitha. G and G. R. Naik (2011) Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha curcas L oil. The Bioscan. 6(1): 87-88.
- Savitha. G and G. R. Naik (2011) Evaluation of suitable concentration of PGRs on callus induction, Proliferation, Somatic Embryo genesis and Regeneration in Jatropha curcas L. Ad. Plant Sci. 24 (1)77-80.
- Savitha. G and G. R. Naik (2010) Biodiesel program for economic growth through waste land development of Hyderabad Karnataka Area. Prasaranga Manava Kalyanakkagi Vignana. Edition-I, page no. 55-68.
- Prajanya. G. P., Sondur. S. N., Savitha.G., and Salman D. M (2015) Isolation and Characterization of Phospholipids from crude Pongamia Pinnata oil by water Degumming Process and to improve the quality of biodiesel. MGRIED Journal: Vol:2, Issue:2; p:31-42
- Conducted Workshops on Biofuel awareness program in 20 talukas of Gulbarga district and other districts since 27 th May, 2011.
- Presented Vikas Exhibition of Biodiesel Information and Demonstration Centre, Department of Biotechnology, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga in KULBURGI KUMPU 2010, The BHARAT VIKAS SANGAM - 3 from 23 Dec to 1 st Jan, 2011.
- Participated in the 7 th International Biofuels Conference, February 11-12, 2010, New Delhi organized by Winrock International India.
- Attended Workshop on “Research Opportunities in Biofuel” at GKVK Campus, UAS Bangalore on 15 th -16 th , July, 2010.
- Attended National symposium on Role of Biology and Biotechnology in Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development at Department of Botany, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 22 nd to 24 th Dec, 2009.
- Attended Second National Conference on karanataka Science and Technology organized by Karnataka Science and technology Academy on 23 rd and 24 th , Nov, 2009.
- Paper presented at 2 nd National conference on Biotechnology for Industrial and Rural Development -2008 at Gulbarga University.
- Presented Poster at “National Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants”, Department of Botany, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 10 th to 12 th Dec, 2007.
- One day awareness training programme on Biodiversity Related issues and People’s Biodiversity Register on 2007 in Gulbarga University, Gulbarga.
- Conducted rally/jatha on International Biofuel Day 2010 in Gulbarga and Jewargi.
- Poster presentation titled ‘Energy analysis of biodiesel from identified biofuel species in Karnataka region’ at Second Indian Biodiversity Congress & Expo, 9-11 December 2012 at J.N. Tata Auditorium¸IISc, Bangalore, Karnataka.
- Attended training on Biodiversity, Ecology Management and Climate Change conducted by Forest Research Institute, ICFRE, Dehradun from Dec 9 -13, 2013.
- Oral presentation on ‘Nutritional Analysis of Pongamia Seed Cake for Animal Feed Supplement’ at International Conference on Biotechnological Advances in medicinal plants and natural products and exhibition on natural products and medicinal plants research at Biorijuvith 2019, Garden city University held on September 19-20, 2019
- Oral Presentation on “Purification and characterization of crude glycerol produced by biodiesel process from non- edible tree borne seed oils to be used as glycogenic supplement for cattle” at Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences (GRISAAS -2019) held on October 20 -22, 2019 at NAARM, Hyderabad.
- Oral Presentation on “Characterization of purified glycerol obtained from Jatropha biodiesel as cattle feed” at ICLCHS 2019 at Ramaiah College of art, Science and commerce, Bangalore held on 22-24,October, 2019
- Oral presentation on “Transesterification of Simarouba and Jatropha oil and use of it products as environmentally sustainable mechanical and biological energy sources in bio-fuel and dairy industry” at National Conference on Biofuels – Research and Innovation on 26 th August, 2020 organized as Webinar by Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkote.
- Oral presentation on Chemical nutrient analysis of vermicompost produced using Pongamia pinnata seedcake and its effect on the growth of Pongamia pinnata plant at International Conference on “APPROACHES TOWARDS AFFORDABLE CLEAN ENERGY, GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING” at Biorijuvith 2023, Garden city University held on March 02-03, 2023
- Email: savitha_biotech@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Biotechnology & Genetics
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India