Department of Library & Information Centre
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MSRCASC College Library is One of the pillars of such high standards is its high-quality Library facilities; MSRCASC College Library has been shaped as a centre of excellence, for academic and research pursuits by keeping itself open to the changes brought in by information and communication technologies. The Library has a huge collection of over a Thousand of Books along with CD’s and DVD’s apart from latest National & International Journals and Periodicals. The library is actively participating and contributing for the success of UGC’s INFLIBNET and INFONET activities, and availing the benefits of these programmes for the benefit of its users.
MSRCASC College Library is a housed Library Server running through software called ‘Libsoft Version 12.0.0 Through the Digital library, content and library collections in digital formats and other Institutional data is made accessible to users. MSRCASC College Library has already initiated and collected e-resources in physical form CD-ROM’s, Audio Cassettes, etc., also providing the facility to access e-journals, e-databases, abstracts & indexes under UGC-Info NET E-Consortia Programme.
The following Services are available through the Digital Library:
- Syllabus UG (CBSC/ NEP ) & PG (CBSC)
- Question Papers- UG (CBSC/ NEP ) & PG (CBSC)
- Institutional Repositories
- e-Journals & eBooks
- Project Reports up-to Abstract Level